Don't look a gift horse in the mouth
TICA initiative spotlights interns as part of the staffing solution
It’s time to have another look at using interns and the Travel Industry Careers Association (TICA) is bringing together some of the experts in the field to help you understand just how much has changed.
“There are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there about the practicalities of using interns as part of the staffing solution,” Sandra Chiles, Vice Chairman of (TICA) said. “More than 100 tourism degree candidates will be available for employment from July 2008. Interns represent a genuine staffing opportunity so TICA is bringing together three experts to provide some real-time, real-life advice on how to make interns work for your business.”
The TICA event, to be held Tuesday April 15, at Travelscene American Express’ North Sydney office, involves Janette Davie, Pinpoint Travel Group General Manager and member of the Southern Cross University School of Tourism & Hospitality Management Industry Advisory Board; Leanne Baker, Internship Coordinator, Southern Cross University; and Jessica McClean, Trade Events Coordinator, Tourism Australia.
Staff turnover is one of the greatest costs to Australian travel businesses, according to industry leader Janette Davie, which goes some way to explaining her fervent support for Southern Cross University’s internship program.
The General Manager of the Pinpoint Travel Group, a wholesale travel business, says attracting and retaining suitable employees is crucial and interns can be an important component of a successful staffing strategy.
“It has always been difficult to foster and support young students, and to fit their special training requirements into the longer-term needs of a steadily growing business, but the Southern Cross University internship program does that beautifully,” Janette said. “In five months we can expose interns to a variety of roles, so they gain a very good understanding of how the business works and how they might best fit in.”
The Pinpoint Travel Group has taken 12 Southern Cross University interns in recent years, offering permanent employment to all but one of them. The internship program is an integral part of all the degrees offered through the university’s School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, providing businesses with enthusiastic workers and students with valuable work experience.
One of the big advantages of the Southern Cross University internship program, according to Janette, is that it runs from July to December. Another is the quality of interns themselves.
“The students don’t need to return to university at the end of the year, and this makes for a seamless transition into full-time employment,” she said. “It’s a perfect fit if you want to capitalise on the training you have devoted to them.
“The students that I have employed have been terrific. They were paid junior salaries for the duration of their internship, graduating to a higher salary once retained. As Southern Cross University is a regional university, many were country kids with a great work ethic.
“In recruiting four or five students at a time we could also send them off together for group training, which is very efficient. By the end of their internship, our interns have received extensive training in product development, database and systems and telephone sales. I wouldn’t hesitate to take interns again because of the positive employment outcomes.”
As a member of the School of Tourism and Hospitality Management Industry Advisory Board, Janette is personally committed to helping Southern Cross University students gain valuable industry insights. She visits the school regularly to give guest lectures and sees Southern Cross University’s annual careers day as an important chance for travel professionals to promote opportunities within their organisations.
“The travel industry needs to make a commitment to such collaboration to ensure we invest in the professional development of future industry professionals,” said Janette.
The Travel Industry Careers Association works in partnership with business and education to attract and retain people into the travel industry.
To find out about how Internships could solve your staffing problems come along to Level 3, 77 Berry Street, Tuesday 15th April 2008 at 5.00pm-7.00pm, confirm your attendance by email to Amanda van de Klundert E:[email protected] or call 0433 0433 29.
Media contacts:
TICA – LJ Loch, REPUBLIC 0439 633 429 or
Southern Cross - Brigid Veale, Communications manager, 02 66593006 or 0439 680 748.